viernes, 14 de junio de 2013

Entry #9 MLA Research Paper (Daly): New Alternative Conclusion

Owing to public controversy, state legislators have to look closely the problem of irresponsible drivers. Public awareness repudiates the use of phones while on the road because of this misbehavior have caused traffic deaths and multiple injuries. From cartoons to scientists, they all have agreed on the dangerous consequences of using a cell phone while driving. Scientists confirmed that those drivers using cell phones are as dangerous as drunk drivers. Despite expert opinions, media neglected scientists fact by means of a syllogism without taking notice of statics, the families of the victims and the fallibility of law around states.   Matt Sundeen of the National Conference of State Legislatures (qtd. In Layton C9) stated that “It’s definitely an issue that is gaining steam around the country”. States Legislators need to act now to regulate the use of cell phones in moving vehicles.

Matt Richel (2013). Driven to distraction. [ONLINE] Retrieved from: [Last Accessed 13 June 2013].

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